Aug 8, 2017 |
by Josie Siler @josie_siler
One of my happy places is way out in the country. It’s located down a back road and you need to go through a gate to get in. Once you’re in you’ll park in a small lot next to everything from motorcycles and jacked-up Jeeps to trucks and nondescript cars.
In this happy place I meet with family, friends, and strangers whose lives are as diverse as their vehicles. We swap magazines, actively engage our surroundings, and learn from the best.
What is this magical place? A gym? A school? Perhaps a gated community? In a … read the rest. . .
Jan 1, 2016 |
Do y’all know me? Do you know you how I like my stability and security? You do? So it’s a surprise then, right, that change is my word for the year? Maybe it should be perspective but that only allows for a view shift. I think change is more dynamically inclusive of the unknown or irregular. And it gets the heart beating a little better.
Yeah. It surprises me too. I’m the one who likes to know things. I can go with the flow only so long as I know where the flow goes.
Change is fluid. It doesn’t have … read the rest. . .
Mar 1, 2015 |
For several months, I’ve not been writing. At least not to the extent I was last summer.
It wasn’t writer’s block, exactly. I had a lot to say. I just got in my own way of saying it.
The thought had come upon me that what I had to say was far less valuable than what others had to say. That my words were less worthwhile than life.
I stumbled over the thought that perhaps
I am insignificant.
I’ve been going through the motions, attending critique groups, writers club, and special events. I’ve been editing and socializing and marketing and … read the rest. . .
Mar 30, 2012 |
I hate the end of any month. I really do. It means I have to spend several hours going over the budget for the next month and trying to figure out how to make ends meet.
But it means seeing how we got through this month when we weren’t sure four weeks ago how we’d do it.
It means planning another month of meals and snacks and extras that usually include more than one dollar sign.
But it means fine tuning the Meal Memo in a Jar plan we started in March, which is saving us time and money, and … read the rest. . .
Oct 10, 2011 |
by Molly Jo Realy @MollyJoRealy
On Saturday, I took my daughter and her friend, Nathan, to Disneyland. Since we live in Southern California, we’re lucky enough to have annual passes so we try to get there at least once every two months.
This trip I spent some time alone, wandering through the Parks. Instead of riding the bigger roller-coasters, I slowed my pace, enjoying the shops and attractions. On Main Street USA next to the timeless favorite Great Moments with Mr. Lincoln, I found myself pulled into the Disney Gallery, currently showcasing the art of Mary Blair. It was, in … read the rest. . .