Dear God, I Owe You An Apology (Quit Helping Me!)

Dear God,

I owe you an apology. I’ve been working so hard on so many things, and keeping you in my back pocket like a Genie or magic potion. I’ve only pulled you out to yell and ask why things aren’t going my way.

Why is my furnace broken? Why is the Cookbook Project stagnating? Why is Grandpa Jack dead? Why does my family struggle?

Oh, sure. I’ve been praying. A lot. But mostly selfish, “Help Me” prayers.

The truth is, I don’t need your “help”. I don’t want it. To be a Helper means to be an assistant, and … read the rest. . .

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I’d Like an Apology, Too.

Rush Limbaugh is in a world of hurt right now based on slanderous, base comments he made and then refused to apologize for until his radio talk show sponsors began to drop their support. And I’m glad.

And I’m furious.

I’m a Conservative Christian Woman, and I’m getting a bad rap all around. First of all, for anyone in government who really cares to listen, then listen to this:

STOP FLIPPING THE COIN: You want a separation of Church and State? Then stop mandating what religious organizations can and cannot do. If a secular person gets a job at a … read the rest. . .

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