Jan 27, 2013 |
I write this with a downcast keyboard.
I have failed my January Meal Plan. I cheated. I strayed. And I failed.
But not completely. And, looking at making lemonade out of these lemons… now I have that much more in my freezer to get us through the month of February. So, you know… there’s that.
In a nutshell, my Meal Plan was waylaid by a broken furnace, leftovers at Mom’s, and a funeral. With all of these happenings I had little need to keep up with my Meal Plan.
Twice more I found myself at a local drive-thru, but I … read the rest. . .
Jan 16, 2013 |
I love chili. I especially love chili when I can just put it in the Slow Cooker and come home to a wonderfully aromatic kitchen. Sometimes, I prefer overnight cooking. Talk about your sweet dreams! Let’s face it, a Cooking Girl’s favorite perfume is onion, right?
My Slow Cooker Turkey Chili is an extremely easy, inexpensive combination of meat, canned goods and a chopped onion. It’s also one of my favorite recipes, and the reason I included it in The Unemployment Cookbook.
For less than $10, this fills my 4-quart Slow Cooker and offers up bowlful after bowlful of … read the rest. . .
Jul 22, 2012 |

I’ve heard people say things like “I don’t know how I ever got along without one for so long.” Or, “It’s so easy, so simple, so effortless.” And, “Delicious. Hearty. Healthy.”
Most of the time I chalk it up to hype. Someone, somewhere is exaggerating.
And then I bought my Aroma Houseware’s 6-Cup Rice Cooker.
It’s small. Convenient. And on a day like today when the outside temperature reached over 100 degrees, I didn’t have to turn my oven or stove on to feed my family a healthy, hearty, warm meal.
The rice comes out moist and full every time. … read the rest. . .
Feb 5, 2012 |
It’s been awhile, hasn’t it?
Be honest.
You thought you’d seen the last of my food posts, didncha?
Puh-leeeze. Like that could happen! I wouldn’t forget something as important as food!
Today’s the Big Day. The day when the Commercials are (almost) more important than the Show (certainly some will be more controversial!). The day when some people will love the Half-Time Show while others loathe it.
Today is Football.
And while my favorite team won’t be playing this year [I’m a Cheesehead!], my favorite foods will be on the table.
To start things off, I admit I’m going … read the rest. . .
Nov 10, 2011 |
It’s that time of year. Time when you need to feed your family but don’t have time to cook. Time when you have so many parties to attend, and you need to bring a hearty food that will leave people talking for weeks (in a good way, of course!). Time when your money is better spent on the Big Meals and Family Gatherings.
Here’s a great get-through-the-holidays (and any other time) recipe. I call it a “dump” recipe, because that’s basically what it is. Made mostly with inexpensive canned goods, you open, drain, dump, mix. Okay, there’s a little more … read the rest. . .