Aug 25, 2017 |
by Molly Jo Realy @RealMojo68
Pretend this is real paper and you’re reading my scribble: As I’m prepping this blog post, my Mississippi Bestie Cara Pearson called and gushed about the great cookbooks she picked up at a used bookstore for about five cents each. And then she has the nerve to ask if I’ve ever seen the movie Julie & Julia. Please, girl. You know that’s what started me on my blog journey. Now I love her and all, but that’s just rubbing it in, dontcha think? Rub. Dry rub. That’s right! We’re talking about cookbooks today. Grab … read the rest. . .
May 3, 2013 |
If you follow me on Facebook, you already have an Inkling what this post is about. On Tuesday, I posted the following status:
“Netflix offers us the opportunity to see all our shows from the very beginning. Dot and I are working through Grey’s Anatomy. At times cute, endearing, vulgar and heartpounding. Tonight we saw an older episode that suggested it’s harder to ignore someone if you know Five Things about them. My Five Things are in the first comment. What are yours?”
There weren’t too many comments on that post, but I did get a few messages that … read the rest. . .
Dec 26, 2011 |
I had an awesome Christmas. There were some great surprises, some crowded hello’s, and some wonderful family moments.

First, I have to say, you haven’t seen Capra’s “It’s a Wonderful Life” until you’ve seen it on the Big Screen. I have two seasonal movie themes that get me every time. The first is any variation of “Miracle on 34th Street” and the other, of course, is “Wonderful Life”. There are so many movies that try, but none come close. So it was with tears of joy (yes, I’m a crier, especially this time of year!) that I lost myself … read the rest. . .