May 23, 2012 |
What I learned from The Boy:
1. Love always. Not matter what. Don’t let others tell you otherwise.
2. Smile like you have a secret, and people will want to talk to you.
3. Smile when you’re in trouble, and you won’t have consequences.
4. Play with your food… but only after you’ve eaten a lot of it.
5. Be honest. No matter what.
6. When it doubt, write it out.
7. Have fun. No matter what.
8. It’s okay to be sad, but never give up hope.
9. Dance. A lot.
10. Take pictures. A lot.
11. Take walks. … read the rest. . .
Apr 28, 2012 |
It’s been about two months since I’ve posted any Lessons Learned. You would think in that amount of time I would have amassed a whole lotta learnin’. You would think.
I don’t think I learned a lot, so much as I kept re-learning the same things in different ways.
Although some things are new.
Ready? Here’s what’s been in my brain lately:
1. Black-headed grosbeaks look very similar to Baltimore Orioles.
2. Grosbeaks, among other birds, like to eat dry cereal like Cheerios and Rice Krispies.
3. Writing is something I do best when I do it for myself.
4. … read the rest. . .
Jan 5, 2012 |
1. Colored lights are beautiful no matter what time of year it is.
2. Christmas is December 25, the Christmas Season runs from Labor Day through a week after New Year’s Day; with a few other holidays mixed in as well.
3. Being vocal about a Christmas wishlist can be really beneficial.
4. It is better to give; but it’s oh-so-fun to receive.
5. I like putting effort into making holiday treats: baking cookies, crafting gifts.
6. Books make the best gifts.
7. Nutcrackers make the best guardians.
8. Christmas colors are red, green, and white.
9. Holiday colors are … read the rest. . .