Bad Credit.

You know me, right? You know when I usually put up a title it has a different or double meaning. So when you read “bad credit” I’m sure you’re thinking, She can’t really mean ‘bad credit’. It must be some trick word usage like ‘bad’ as in ‘sick’ or ‘awesome’ and ‘credit’ like those things that roll at the end of a movie. That’s it. This Girl saw an awesome movie and she’s gonna tell us all about it.

So, while that’s a fantastic interpretation of how my mind works at times, and maybe in the future I’ll use … read the rest. . .

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Scarab Beetle

In my job as an insurance agent, I talk to a lot of clients about their homes and yards. As you know, I’m always on the lookout for how to beautify my desert dirt lot. I have great tips on how (and what) to garden. I love hearing and seeing the different creatures Mother Nature nurtures.

Lately I’ve seen more butterflies. Who can forget this beautiful Hummingbird Moth I discovered at Lowe’s?

Or cute, tiny Fred?

Two days ago I drove over to Mom’s for our morning coffee together. There was a rock in the driveway so I avoided it … read the rest. . .

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How To Eat For Free And Have Fun Doing It (Or, How Printing Coupons Gave Me a Really Great Weekend!)

My birthday is coming up soon. Tuesday to be exact. You’re wishing me a Happy Birthday right now, aren’t you? Sure you are, I can tell. Thank you!

It’s off to a great start. And I’m going to share some of my secrets to a successful birthday with you. How do you like them apples?

Let’s face it: Birthday is a bit of a misnomer. What we all really like is a Birthmonth. Am I right? Y’all don’t wake up on midnight of your special day and say, “Wow. Today’s my birthday.” And then 24 hours later … read the rest. . .

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Featured Post: I Don’t Care About Kim!

I originally posted this last week but am thrilled to announce that right now it’s being featured at You can check it out on their website by clicking here.

Rita Arens, one of the Money Editors on, has been extremely helpful and communicative. I must say, this is not what I expected. I honestly expected BlogHer to be a website where contributors posted our own links and hoped with fingers crossed that some other blogger might find our post interesting enough to leave a comment.

I didn’t really expect to be featured so soon, and I didn’t … read the rest. . .

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I Don’t Care About Kim!

Some of you saw the post title and are already nodding in agreement. And that’s exactly why I don’t care. Because you already know who I’m talking about. Because the world is so much more important than the Kardashians and their money-making publicity.

I think mainstream media does us a huge disservice by placing such stories in the “News” category. Since when is how high-maintenance a person is, news? Since when is someone’s paycheck (or lack there of), high priority knowledge for me and my family?

I want news to be news: What is the government doing to protect and … read the rest. . .

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