Building an Author Platform: How Much Information is Safe to Share Online?

Building an Author Platform: How Much Information is Safe to Share Online?

by Edie Melson @EdieMelson

As writers we know the importance of developing an online presence, but is there such a thing as too much information out there?


The result of too much information online can range from the irritating to the dangerous. But it is possible to be smart and still have an online presence that will garner you the right kind of reader notice.

So how much is too much to stay safe online? Anything that lets your online presence collide with your physical presence without … read the rest. . .

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Social Media for the Anti-Social: If You Build It, They Will Come

Saturday, I had the opportunity to present “Growing Your Social Media Swarm” to the Writers of Kern, a branch of the California Writers Club. I was excited to learn the audience also had non-writers interested in learning better building techniques.

One of the first slides in my presentation is one you’ve seen for years on this blog.

Remember back in the day when I revamped my blog, and my brother created this wonderful graphic for me? It’s years old, and it still thrills me.

It’s a reminder to take those steps toward better social media. “If you build … read the rest. . .

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Social Media Buzz: Bee The Ninja

Last month we discussed some things people do on social media that can sting. [Read: Social Media Buzz: Don’t Bee That Person.]

In this post you’ll find some subtle yet sweet behaviors that will keep your Swarm buzzing and building.

Being a ninja involves skill and knowledge, and the ability to fuse them cohesively. Sort of like bees in a hive, right?

I love being a Ninja Bee and helping others use their social media secrets to grow their online community.

Here’s a little honey to share, some tips on the fly that can help draw people into your … read the rest. . .

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Social Media for the Anti-Social

Here’s a not-so-secret: I love social media. It’s where I connect with others, share my life, promote authors and their projects, and yes, play my fair amount of Candy Crush. I know. Gaming isn’t the same as social media. But when all you have to offer is candy life, it counts, okay?

But not everyone feels the same. I can’t quite get my head around what I’m about to say, but I hear tell there are actually people out there who dislike social media.

Can you imagine? People who would rather get a tooth pulled than post a status … read the rest. . .

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Firsts in Fiction Podcast

So y’all know I hang with Aaron Gansky and associates, right? I mean, who could forget when Aaron, Beckie and I flew out to Blue Ridge Mountains Christian Writers Conference a few months ago? [Read: And They Say Getting There is Half the Fun . . . ]

Long before the trip, I started running Aaron’s social media in exchange for his writing mentoring. Not a bad trade, eh? It has the added bonus of hanging with his family at least once a month when we play Magic The Gathering and eat food.

And, well, I am a social … read the rest. . .

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