
I’m overwhelmed. I admit it. I was told tonight, “It’s good to see you smiling again,” and I wondered how long had I not been smiling?

I’m finding my Happy Place again. Traveling deeper on that path. There’s a better sense of better in my household. Dot’s registered for her second semester of college. College! I’m still working my day job. I’ve worked out a writing schedule with Megan, and for myself. It’s time to keep track of that date book I tend to ignore.

And I can see how I overworked myself this summer, and am determined to not … read the rest. . .

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My Popover Project

A friend recently mailed me an old magazine clipping for a basic popover recipe. It came about as I’d commented that I’d seen popover recipes on other blogs and was tempted to try my hand at making some.

I’ve seen recipes that run the gamut from simply delicious to decadently glamorous. So let’s be honest… what kind of cook am I if I don’t experiment in the kitchen now and then? I can fill cupcakes… why not fill popovers?

And so, as you can surmise from the title of this post, I have a new project. My Popover Project. At … read the rest. . .

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Did You Miss Me?

I didn’t post yesterday. Did you notice?

I did. You know what I noticed? I noticed the earth didn’t implode. I didn’t die of spontaneous combustion, and Dot didn’t turn into a gremlin.

I just didn’t post.

That’s not to say I didn’t write. I did. But not for yesterday. With this being the week before Christmas, there’s a lot happening at Bedford Manor. And even more so than usual. That’s the part I can’t really write about just now.

Megan and I are working out a schedule for the New Year. I have a new Meal Memo in a read the rest. . .

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