Building a Social Media Swarm takes more than just constant posting. You need to know your audience, and let them know you. Read on to learn how to create a positive social media buzz.

To Bee and Not To Bee

To Bee and Not To Bee

Don’t Be That Person.

You know who I’m talking about. There are certain cyber-people who make you want to use Facebook’s Unfriend button more often than not. Am I right? We’ve all been in that person’s skin one time or another. The thing is, you shouldn’t stay there.

Here’s a quick run down of five social media personalities you should try to avoid becoming:

  1. The One Who Only Wants to Sell. You know these people. They ask “How are you?” but don’t wait for the response. They don’t care. While you’re telling them about your day, they’re just waiting for you to catch your breath so they can interrupt and suggest how your – or any – situation relates to their newest title. Everything they post turns back to the product they have to offer. It’s as though their only vocabulary is “Buy my book! Buy my book!” If this is your goal for using social media, I suggest you simply open an online store.
Social Media isn't just Squawking.

Social Media isn’t just Squawking.

  1. The Self-Focused One. This is similar to No. 1 except these people know how to personalize everything – toward themselves. Instead of mandating that you purchase their wares, they manipulate every conversation back to “Me, Myself, and I.” They’re not really interested in hearing about your writing adventures. They’ll often interrupt the conversation to be the center of attention. Now, if you notice a fire behind the person you’re talking to, this is a good skill. If you’re trying to be a good friend, notsomuch.
  1. The Silent Streamers. These are the people who see everything online but do nothing about it. Sure, having a new “like” on your page or a new follower on Twitter is equivalent to Internet cash, but only a penny or so. It’s the interactions that keep you going. Right? In the Internet world, if you’re not going to support someone, don’t offer your likes and follows and then disappear. That’s like being the child in room who covers their eyes and says “You can’t see me!” You really do know they’re there, but they want to pretend they’re not. What’s the point?
  1. The Streaming Stalker. Similar to No. 3 except creepier. This is the person who gives a like to everything you do, on all platforms, the moment you do it. It’s like they wait online just for you. If you post a photo your donut-and-coffee breakfast, the Streaming Stalker will like it, suggest ways to eat and drink, and share it nine ways to Sunday. The Internet is designed for interacting, not creeping someone out. It’s okay to show your support, but don’t do it in a manner that resonates something off a crime drama. Let the person you’re following know you support them. Help promote them by liking, following, sharing, and commenting on their posts. Just not everything all at once. And don’t hijack their posts. Remember, you’re there to support them, not steal their thunder.
Drama, drama, drama!

Drama, drama, drama!

  1. The Overly Emotional One. These are the people who are either happy-happy-happy, or woe-is-me. All. The. Time. Let’s face it. Life is full of a little bit of everything. It’s okay to be real online. Don’t be so cheerful that people want to put on blinders when they read your posts, but don’t be a chaos junkie either. We all have our up’s and down’s. So share bits and pieces of what’s going on in your world and by all means interact with your followers. But if you want more likes, the trick is to be likeable. Find a balance between Pollyanna and Eeyore and you’ll do just fine.

Next week I’ll fly by with some positive activity for you and your Swarm.

Until then, with some sweet tea and a big smile,
Happy writing and keep on Buzzing.
~Molly Jo

And Frankly, My Dear . . . That’s all she wrote!

Meet Josie
The Unemployment Cookbook: Hamburger Pie
Sweeten my tea and share: