Jul 7, 2016 |
After my peeps joined my campaign to bring Raven to Bedford Manor [Translation: When my family and friends supported my fundraiser to buy a new laptop], I was approached by several friends and associates who asked for advice on crowdfunding.
Now, before I get into all that, I need to let y’all in on a not-so-secret. I’ve been pursuing knowledge this year like never before. I’ve attended conferences, used Google like a best friend, and sought information from anyone willing to share it.
And I’ve learned that I’ve already learned a lot. It’s time to use my knowledge. It’s time … read the rest. . .
Jun 3, 2016 |
You know that old phrase, “When life throws you lemons, make lemonade”?
I’m not sure who coined that phrase, but I’m pretty sure he must have been pelted by a few lemons when he said it.
But then he probably made enough lemonade that the throwers decided it wasn’t all bad and they probably drank some of it.
Everything works out in the end, yah?
I’m in between the getting-hit-by-lemons and making-lemonade-out-of-it stages.
Babycakes, my precious MacBook Pro of over eight years, is beginning to fail me. She no longer has the software or capacity needed to do what I … read the rest. . .
Jun 6, 2013 |
It’s another whirlwind week here at the Blog… It’s been so busy, I can’t believe it’s already Thursday and not only Tuesday evening. But that’s good because that means tomorrow’s Friday. And you know what that means: another Five Things Friday post! So be sure to come back tomorrow to share your Friday Five stories. There’s a theme, there’s always a theme. But I’m not telling. It’s a surprise. Guess you’ll just have to come back tomorrow. Yay! I love company!
Things keep falling into place with the New Blog design and the writing and the housing projects. Every day … read the rest. . .
Mar 18, 2013 |
On the successful heels of my Cookbook Project Campaign via Kickstarter, I’ve already begun another. Kickstarter is turning into a wonderful avenue for my readers to pre-order their own copy of my newest project.
A Study on the Ten Commandments began with my own personal notes as I chose to take just one Commandment each day and break it down to answer some basic questions I had:
- Why was this important for God to be specific about?
- What was His target audience?
- Is it still applicable today?
- How can I apply this to my daily life?
- How can I use
… read the rest. . .
Jan 25, 2013 |
Note: The Cookbook Project is still in development. Accordingly, reader feedback is also fluent. Originally posted on Sunday, January 20, 2013, this post has
been updated to reflect further questions and answers, as well as
to clarify those already posted.
Whether you’re a long-time friend or an infrequent visitor to Frankly, My Dear… you’re probably aware that I’m trying to raise funds to publish THE UNEMPLOYMENT COOKBOOK, SECOND EDITION.
With less than two one weeks left for this Project to fund, I’m trying hard to not spam every inbox, every Facebook and twitter post, and every social media friend … read the rest. . .