May 3, 2015 |
I have a two-inch peacock and he’s only visible through my story window. I’m not crazy. I’m a writer.
This month, I’m reading Bird by Bird by Anne Lamott. If you’re serious about being a writer, or just like a well-told narrative, this is that book. I’m nearly a quarter through, and loving every page, every paragraph, every sentence.
Now here’s something you may not know about me: I’m a perfectionist when it comes to my writing and media. I want it to always be right. I don’t want just the end result to be perfect, I want it … read the rest. . .
Apr 26, 2015 |
Yesterday I attended the Orange County Christian Writers Conference for the first time. It was nice to meet up with current friends and make new ones.
I’m deeply indebted to my mentor, Aaron D Gansky, for inspiring me to attend the conference and for praying faithfully for my writing in the time we’ve been working together. His friendship, work ethic, example (not to mention his being married to my good friend) are all invaluable.
I surround myself on a daily basis with writers and the writing environment. Whether I’m reading craft books, novels, sending out texts or making phone … read the rest. . .
Apr 19, 2015 |
Are you often amazed at the plethora of Monday-haters on social media? Sundays are an infestation of draggy, please-don’t-make-me-go-back posts and photos of closed eyes or weekend-recovery moments captioned “One more day!”
I understand. When you need that break to refresh, ending it can seem, well, horrid. I typically clean Bedford Manor after work on Friday night, leaving Saturday as my To-Do List and Play With Friends Day. That makes Sunday my day of rest. My I-Can-Do-Anything-Or-Nothing Day.
But here’s where I admit a dark secret: I treasure most Mondays. Those are days when the work week starts over. It’s … read the rest. . .
Feb 5, 2015 |
It’s 6:37 am. I’ve been awake for just a few minutes, and need to get ready for the day job. There’s so much I have to tell y’all, so many updates for #DoingTheWriteThing and for life.
We’ve been stretched to breaking, put back together, and redirected. If you follow me on Facebook or Instagram, you might have an idea. It’s quick to post a short status or a wordless photo that seems to capture a moment.
It’s been hard to get the words out. No. That’s not true. I’ve been posting quite a lot on my private Facebook page. … read the rest. . .
Jan 19, 2015 |
A few days ago I did something I wasn’t sure I could do, for a variety of reasons: I registered to attend the Orange County Christian Writers Conference in April.
My friend and writing mentor, Aaron Gansky, is a featured speaker and while I always value the information he gives, there are several other sessions I’m looking forward to being a part of.
This will be the second writers conference I’ve attended. Ever. This one is different from the first one I attended last November. That one was local, and there were three consecutive sessions in the same auditorium. I … read the rest. . .