May 29, 2012 |
On the heels of yesterday’s post How to Help a Mourner, I admit that I’ve had to unfriend a few people on Facebook. It makes me sad that it came to this. But it’s also a bit refreshing. It’s a bit like cleaning the dust bunnies out from under the bed. You know what I mean… those harmless, hidden bits of dirt and debris that after a while grow so big you have no choice but to bring out the Dyson and suck them out into daylight and the garbage can. Yeah. It’s been like that.
My Mom (and … read the rest. . .
May 28, 2012 |
I guess this is sort of a “Lessons Learned” post in reverse. Not so much lessons we’ve learned this last week, but more of a “What To Do” if you’re ever in the situation yourself.
One week ago, Dot’s boyfriend of over two and half years passed away. In the week since, we continue to experience an amass of emotions and while some people have been wonderfully considerate, we’ve had some experiences that could have been avoided.
This post is dedicated to helping people on the outside understand how they can (and can’t) help someone in mourning.
… read the rest. . .