Social Media Saturday: Planning is Key

by Molly Jo Realy @MollyJoRealy

It’s that time of year again. No, I’m not talking about holidays (at least, not here on the blog.)

I’m talking about what happens after the holidays. That’s write right.

I’m talking about making a plan for the future of your media.

Hey, if you’re like me (and I know at least some of you are), you’re figuring out how to move forward with your health, your budget, your home. So why not your media presence as well?

If you want your social media to grow, you can’t just scatter a bunch of seeds and … read the rest. . .

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Meal Memo in a Jar – First Recap

Remember the Meal Memo in a Jar that I started on March 1st?

Well, this is my month-long recap. Starting with March 1, I’ll track each and every day what menu we pulled and how it turned out. **EDITOR’S NOTE: A whole month of meal tracking is gonna be pretty wordy, so here’s the first week and a half. I’ll post another update (or two) as we continue.**

OBSERVATIONS: We’re eating so much better! Already from Janice’s suggestions, I’m going to revamp the Memo colors to incorporate one that signifies “More Work Meals”: those that take a bit more to … read the rest. . .

Sweeten my tea and share:

Meal Memo in a Jar

I’m not always good at meal planning. I forget to defrost the meat in time. Some days I’m too hungry to wait an hour or more for cooking. I get so busy that I just throw quick things together.

And you know what? I hate it. I had the three-week virus-turned-cough that drained any energy from me for days on end. February was also an otherwise busy month and I missed having dinners ready shortly after Dot got home from school. The kind that also provides those really good leftovers instead of “whatever-you-can-find” foods. Some days I didn’t cook at … read the rest. . .

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