When Writing isn’t Writing

Cooking. Crafting. Scheduling. Podcasting. Editing. TV fall premieres.

Everything but writing.

That’s what’s had my focus lately. That, and Paradise Bay’s Tradefest.


Oh, like y’all don’t play games on your phone! Get over it!





Here it is, mid-November. Say whaat? Is that even real? Didn’t we just start this year? And yet, I know that can’t be true because I’m getting ready to put up my Christmas tree this weekend working on next year’s award-winning media presentations already.

In case you missed it, I’ve been back in touch with Winco. Yes, that Winco. The … read the rest. . .

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WinCo Wins Wednesday: March 4, 2015

I love WinCo. But that’s not news, right? I love that they love me, too.

Ask me any day of the week, and I’ll tell you, I’m in love with their Bulk Bins. You can buy as much, or as little, as you need. Are you shopping for one basic recipe, or hosting a large dinner party? They’ve got you covered.

From pastas and starches to snacks and candies, buying in bulk is crazy economical.

My favorite is their long white rice. It’s a staple in my house. At just pennies per pound, I can pick up five pounds of … read the rest. . .

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Writer, Blocked

For several months, I’ve not been writing. At least not to the extent I was last summer.
It wasn’t writer’s block, exactly. I had a lot to say. I just got in my own way of saying it.

The thought had come upon me that what I had to say was far less valuable than what others had to say. That my words were less worthwhile than life.

I stumbled over the thought that perhaps

I am insignificant.

I’ve been going through the motions, attending critique groups, writers club, and special events. I’ve been editing and socializing and marketing and … read the rest. . .

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My Real Italian Kitchen: Polenta and Sauce

WinCo is still one of my favorite places ever. My last two grocery shopping trips stocked my pantry so thoroughly, I’ve not been back for well over a month. When you’re on a budget for time as well as money, that’s a big deal.

Last month, I picked up a tube of ready-made polenta, with absolutely no idea what to do with it. It stared at me from the refrigerator drawer every morning. It begged me for attention every evening. I still wasn’t sure how to prepare it. Luckily, WinCo directed me to their polenta recipes on their website, including … read the rest. . .

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January Meal Plan: It’s All In The Pantry (and Freezer)

I’m changing how I do my meal plans. The last few months, I’ve been throwing together what I can find. Buying for one meal at a time.

With Dot’s schedule (read: college, work, boyfriend), together-at-the-table time just isn’t as frequent. But that doesn’t mean I can’t still cook well even on those evenings she’s not home.

This year, in keeping with my Word of 2014, my Better Plan for meal prep is improving:
Taking what I have and working with it. Why buy what I don’t need?

So last week I made a list of what I had and … read the rest. . .

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