
When the Black-Headed Grosbeaks started showing up, I read that they really like to eat berries and Cheerios cereal. So I put some out and it turns out the Sparrows also love them.

I brought the saucer up close to the house to watch them and get some better photos.

I really enjoyed seeing five or six at a time, but every time that happened, I didn’t have my camera ready.

The yard lizard also likes the Rice Krispies. It’s so fun to watch them.

And Frankly, My Dear… that’s all she wrote!

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read the rest. . .
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Louie, a fellow creative writer, would be upset if I used his death as an excuse to not keep with my self-promise to blog every day.

We’re still working our way through the pain. Dot’s best friend had his graduation party today, which helped. Except that he, too, was good friends with Louie. At any given moment, one or more of the seven graduates in the room could be found crying, surrounded by the rest.

It’s an extremely surreal experience and I never wish this agony on anyone.

I don’t want to write. But Louie wouldn’t want me to use … read the rest. . .

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I’m taking a hiatus for a few days. While he’s not exactly family, Dot’s boyfriend of over two and half years (until last Wednesday) has passed away.

He had a wonderful story to tell, and let me interview him in order to tell it properly. But I never got around to writing it.

And right now it’s too difficult.

He broke up with Dot, we think to protect her from this. His heart had been failing for some time, and on Saturday May 19, 2012 at 1:24 p.m., it finally stopped.

Rest in Peace, Loukas.

We continue to love you … read the rest. . .

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