Prelude to TGIF

It’s almost TGIF time. Yeah. That excites me.

But this week, it excites me for a different reason: I’m opening up my TGIF posts to all of you to share your own links, comments, posts… whatever you feel like sharing.

I know. It’s just another reason to love Fridays.

So get your links ready. The only requirement will be to add the Link Badge (once I have one!) to the posts you share.

And if you’re not a Blogger, don’t worry. You can still tell us all about your world in a comment.

So go ahead. Write a poem. Share … read the rest. . .

Sweeten my tea and share:

A Study on the Ten Commandments

On the successful heels of my Cookbook Project Campaign via Kickstarter, I’ve already begun another. Kickstarter is turning into a wonderful avenue for my readers to pre-order their own copy of my newest project.

A Study on the Ten Commandments began with my own personal notes as I chose to take just one Commandment each day and break it down to answer some basic questions I had:

  • Why was this important for God to be specific about?
  • What was His target audience?
  • Is it still applicable today?
  • How can I apply this to my daily life?
  • How can I use
read the rest. . .
Sweeten my tea and share:

How To Eat For Free And Have Fun Doing It (Or, How Printing Coupons Gave Me a Really Great Weekend!)

My birthday is coming up soon. Tuesday to be exact. You’re wishing me a Happy Birthday right now, aren’t you? Sure you are, I can tell. Thank you!

It’s off to a great start. And I’m going to share some of my secrets to a successful birthday with you. How do you like them apples?

Let’s face it: Birthday is a bit of a misnomer. What we all really like is a Birthmonth. Am I right? Y’all don’t wake up on midnight of your special day and say, “Wow. Today’s my birthday.” And then 24 hours later … read the rest. . .

Sweeten my tea and share: