What’s the Word? Wednesday (Blog Hop): May 16, 2012

It’s that time of the week again! Time to all get together from our individual corners of the blogosphere and tell what’s on our minds.

What’s the Word? Wednesdays is a linky that allows other bloggers to share whatever is on their minds that they want to talk about. Think of it as a virtual coffee date with some great friends. What’s going on in your world? Tell us all about it!

This week has no theme. Just think of it as a chance to get everyone caught up with what you want to say. Feel free to link up … read the rest. . .

Sweeten my tea and share:

Ten Bible Verses

Since I’m on this blog-improvement kick, I figure it would be a good idea to actually complete the pages I started so long ago, so I just finished updating my Tenfold Page: Ten Bible Verses I Try to Live By.

I’d had four listed there previously. Err, rather, the cites. Tonight I not only posted the cites of my ten favorite Bible verses, but I typed out the verses themselves.

I was reminded all over again of exactly why those particular verses are so special to me. And in the coming weeks, I hope to share in depth with … read the rest. . .

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Featured Recipe: Texas Hash

“Sometimes it’s hard to make ends meet. Food shouldn’t be a sacrifice.” ~from The Unemployment Cookbook.

It’s been so long since I’ve posted a recipe on the blog, I thought this one would be a great treat.

Texas Hash is a family favorite. It’s quick, easy, and inexpensive to make, and delicious to eat. At our house, we often serve it with a salad and garlic toast.

It feeds my family, and guests, with leftovers to spare.

So with all that going for it, there was no question about including it in The Unemployment Cookbook.

Texas Hash


read the rest. . .

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