Jul 8, 2016 |
So there’s a lot going on in the world today that I’d like to, but can’t (and really shouldn’t) ignore. I don’t even want to start the laundry list of upset, because I’ll inevitably forget or neglect something or go sideways with it.
As things of late have been happening, I’m understanding more and more there’s a before, during, and after. For everything. Except God. He’s just an all-inclusive is.
My faith has been challenged recently. It’s been uplifted, spun around, trampled on, revived, amplified, and abused. And I’m the prime culprit.
Yet it holds. In the dark thoughts, … read the rest. . .
Jul 7, 2016 |
After my peeps joined my campaign to bring Raven to Bedford Manor [Translation: When my family and friends supported my fundraiser to buy a new laptop], I was approached by several friends and associates who asked for advice on crowdfunding.
Now, before I get into all that, I need to let y’all in on a not-so-secret. I’ve been pursuing knowledge this year like never before. I’ve attended conferences, used Google like a best friend, and sought information from anyone willing to share it.
And I’ve learned that I’ve already learned a lot. It’s time to use my knowledge. It’s time … read the rest. . .
Jul 5, 2016 |
Exciting news: NOLA is nearly fifty percent written!
Josie and her new friends are going through the wringer (it is a mystery, after all) but still finding moments to enjoy the Crescent City. Would you like to meet her friends? You would?
How about one in particular? One very special friend.
Ladies and gentlemen, I give you Rain.
Rain and Toni are best friends. He lives on the plantation he inherited. I could tell you more, but I can’t give away any secrets.
Josie is immediately attracted to him, and relishes in learning more about him every chance she gets.… read the rest. . .