Sep 30, 2017 |
by Molly Jo Realy @MollyJoRealy
Scheduling and time management is huge whatever task you undertake, but especially so with social media postings.
Whether it’s a blog, a visual, or a link, the first rule to remember is don’t drown your audience. That is, don’t link post after post after post within a few minutes of each other. Think of social media as a busy street: Traffic flows in several directions and it’s your job to not create gridlock. Let others get on the road, too.
I use several scheduling apps to post for me when I know I’m otherwise unavailable. … read the rest. . .
Sep 29, 2017 |
by Molly Jo Realy @MollyJoRealy
Let’s just start by agreeing any celebration that includes coffee is awesome, am I right? I mean, I celebrate every day with coffee. But to actually have an official reason? Have mercy!
I’m an experiential person. That means I don’t just go through life, I live it. Fully, wonderfully, scarefully (is that even a word?). I feel it, my body absorbs it, my mind is constantly processing and connecting dots. And, yes. Sometimes making up the dots to connect.
But coffee. It’s just perfect. In celebration of National Coffee Day, here are some … read the rest. . .
Sep 28, 2017 |
by Molly Jo Realy @MollyJoRealy
Now, y’all know my five-, or maybe ten-year plan includes a move to the Carolinas. Will it happen? Prob’ly not. My desert roots run deep. Having said that, I do consider them my vacation home especially since I head out to Asheville every year for a quasi-family reunion known as the Blue Ridge Mountains Christian Writers Conference.
A lot of my people live in South Carolina, but it’s the beauty of the northern C we’re celebrating today.
Imagine my joy when I received my Daily Celebrations email and National North Carolina Day was listed for … read the rest. . .