Sep 30, 2013 |
A month ago, I shared with you a few suggestions for stocking up the pantry to easily provide for your family and company without having to go to the store at the last minute. These tips are also great for those times when inclement weather or lack of transportation interferes with your daily schedule.
But what about those non-food needs? A well-stocked cabinet not only covers emergency moments, but can also provide some fun family time. Pretend you’re going camping: turn off the lights, the TV, the computers and see what you can do without electronics.
Batteries for flashlights and … read the rest. . .
Sep 11, 2013 |
Have you ever heard of House Party? It’s a social network website where companies choose applicants to showcase their product. Typically, if chosen to participate, you agree to invite at least 12 people to your shindig and promote the whazoo out of it before, during and after. Tweet, post, link, like, comment and share. Post videos. Tweet photos. Pin party ideas. Whichever product you’re chosen for, you also agree to host your party on a specific day. That’s right. It’s like a national block party with 1,000 gatherings taking place at the same time. How fun is that, right?… read the rest. . .
Sep 4, 2013 |
When we moved into Bedford Manor nearly four years ago, Dot’s bath was in pretty good shape. The only improvements we made at the time were to remove the left behind decor, paint the walls, and set up a Sandy Beach/Polka Dot theme that flowed well into Dot’s bedroom.
What we didn’t take care of was the tub itself. These blue flower stickees worked great to prevent slips and falls, and so it wasn’t really high on my To-Do List to remove them.
Plus, I’d tried a few times and nothing seemed to work. I’d looked online for solutions and … read the rest. . .