Nov 18, 2015 |
by Molly Jo Realy @MollyJoRealy
Let’s be real clear about something: Medical depression is a chemical imbalance, it’s a body malfunction that makes it hard to function. The same way a broken thumb makes it hard to hold a mug without a handle. You learn other ways of managing, and you know that some day the thumb will heal. It may not always work perfectly, but it will work. And if it doesn’t, you learn other ways of managing, of holding your mug.
People who suffer from depression are not weak in faith. It’s not a spiritual deficiency. Sometimes holding … read the rest. . .
Nov 2, 2015 |
Hey peeps.
So, I’m hoping by now y’all know I’m also working behind the scenes social media for Kathy Ide. I was blessed to meet her at the Orange County Christian Writers Conference in April.
Well, one of the first tasks I get to do is help promote her newest book giveaway.
The Fiction Lover’s Devotional Series is a great collection of 21 short, easy to read, thought-provoking stories and the newest edition is ready just in time for Christmas.
All you need to do is click on over to and click on the contest tab [or just … read the rest. . .
Oct 18, 2015 |
At the beginning of the month, I posted about my experience with bad credit. I expected mixed results but the response was overwhelmingly favorable, and many of you thanked me for my transparency.
Truth be told, I didn’t share everything. Let’s face it: finances are a really private matter. I mean, it’s not like any of us are going to put our bank books on public display, right?
And why would you? Your life dynamics are just as personal as your wallet. Are you hearing me?
Every situation is different.
So why do the credit companies treat us all … read the rest. . .