Media Menagerie: Five Reasons to Be a Writing Bear

by Molly Jo Realy @RealMojo68

So, my girl Paige and I have been coming up with some great, and I mean great class ideas, on the chance we win the lotto and get to open our much-dreamed-about writers’ cafe. Or more likely, work our tails off and earn it. Oh, you don’t know about that? Well, we have plans. And SuperGirl‘s our baker. But all that’s for another post.

One of the class topics I threw out was my love for animal symbolism. I mean, all y’all already know my affinity for bees and frogs and zebras, am I … read the rest. . .

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Five Things Friday: Marketing Terms

by Molly Jo Realy @RealMojo68

You know those moments when you know what you know, you just didn’t know you knew it until someone else turns on the light bulb? Yeah. That’s how the new career is lighting up my world lately. And it’s ahh-mazing. It’s like a triple-caffeine-intake while racing the Indy 500 through LA Traffic and surviving kind of high. It is that kind of awesome sauce.

So, I’m still doing the writing thing, still doing the editing thing. But as you can tell, I’m also still doing the marketing thing. And this new career keeps reaffirming that … read the rest. . .

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Social Media Buzz: Bee The Ninja

Last month we discussed some things people do on social media that can sting. [Read: Social Media Buzz: Don’t Bee That Person.]

In this post you’ll find some subtle yet sweet behaviors that will keep your Swarm buzzing and building.

Being a ninja involves skill and knowledge, and the ability to fuse them cohesively. Sort of like bees in a hive, right?

I love being a Ninja Bee and helping others use their social media secrets to grow their online community.

Here’s a little honey to share, some tips on the fly that can help draw people into your … read the rest. . .

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Creating a Social Media Buzz: Don’t Bee That Person

Building a Social Media Swarm takes more than just constant posting. You need to know your audience, and let them know you. Read on to learn how to create a positive social media buzz.

Don’t Be That Person.

You know who I’m talking about. There are certain cyber-people who make you want to use Facebook’s Unfriend button more often than not. Am I right? We’ve all been in that person’s skin one time or another. The thing is, you shouldn’t stay there.

Here’s a quick run down of five social media personalities you should try to avoid becoming:

  1. The One
read the rest. . .
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It’s quite possible I’ve had so much to write that I haven’t written a thing. Okay, true story: I (almost) don’t know where the month of March went. I almost feel like the Beatles’ Here, There, and Everywhere. Oh, don’t get me singing. Just give me some sweet tea or coffee and I’ll calm down.

There was a chaotic beginning in March. Projects up in the air, should I do this or quit that? Bless her glorious heart, after a morning out as we’re sometimes prone to do, Mum asks, “Would you like me to come over and help you … read the rest. . .

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