Jun 22, 2019 |
by Molly Jo Realy (@MollyJoRealy)
How to Write a Book Review
(Or, A Non-Monetary Way to Really Support Your Favorite Authors, Even if They’re Dead)
Not sure if you heard, but NOLA is launching next week. Pretty cool, right? I also have a few friends in the game who have recently launched as well. Tina Yeager is about to launch Beautiful Warrior, Beckie Lindsey’s Daybreak comes out in July, and Aaron Gansky’s The Seven Seals (a Hand of Adonai Novel, Book 3) came out just a few months ago.
So I guess I’m in good company with … read the rest. . .
Oct 24, 2017 |
by Molly Jo Realy @MollyJoRealy
Last week it was cloudy. Windy. A bit rainy. And, yup. A carnival came to town. Did I go? Puh-leese. Do ducks eat hippopotamus? Of course not. I’m all for a good scare, but on my own terms. I certainly don’t need my own version of Something Wicked This Way Comes.
But all y’all know I love thriller suspense and ghost stories, yah? I’m not talking those icky, gory, demon-possessed movies, although I wouldn’t mind seeing Stephen King’s IT before it leaves theatres. [Note to self: buy movie ticket for friends. There’s safety in … read the rest. . .