Y’all ready for this?

by Molly Jo Realy (@RealMojo68)

How many of you are fist-pumpin’ to the beat? C’mon. That song. That go-get-’em, conquering, sports-theme-y, you-got-this song . . . DundundunDUNDUNdunDUN. Yeah. That one.

Well, anyway, in your head, I want you to imagine the greatest celebratory music you can conjure. Got it? Awesome.

Keep it playing in the background, and read on.

It’s no secret that I have a new website. But I’m not sure all of you know FMD and NIP are undergoing some cosmetic surgery as well. A little NIP, a little tuck. (Ooh. NIP. See what I did there?)

Now, … read the rest. . .

Sweeten my tea and share: