Oct 19, 2017 |
by Cara Pearson @ThatBedfordGal
As autumn progresses and the nights (finally!) grow chillier, I’m turning my attention to immune support and respiratory relief. I was so excited when the first chill appeared this past weekend… and then I woke the next day with barely a voice. My windows have poor insulation, so even though I sleep under several comforters, I struggle to keep away the cold air that seems to hate my throat and lungs. I’m grateful during these nights that I live in the South–where it doesn’t often dip below freezing–and not Wisconsin.
One of the top export … read the rest. . .
Sep 21, 2017 |
SuperGirl is at it again! This month, she shares the beauty and benefits of that timeless classic, lemon. If you get a chance, follow her on Twitter for more tips on how EOs are da best.
by Cara Pearson @ThatBedfordGal
Summer is almost gone. If you find yourself sighing for lazy summer days, why not keep the memory alive with a little lemon in your life?
I’ve always loved the tangy-sweet taste of lemon. I can’t tell you a favorite use for it—there’s just too many. Lemonade. A perfectly seasoned salmon steak with lemon and rosemary. Lemon Meringue Pie. It … read the rest. . .
Jul 20, 2017 |
Eeee! Insert super hero girl scream here! Peeps, I’m so incredibly excited to welcome my Mississippi bestie to the blog, also known as SuperGirl. We met at Blue Ridge three years ago and became instantly inseparable. How could we not? She’s the Monica in my FRIENDS post, and identifies herself as That Bedford Gal. BEDFORD. I mean, you know. #wonderfullife #itsasign. Yeah, we have a lot in common and one is our passion for living great. So when I pressured her she agreed to blog once a month on essential oils I could hardly contain myself! Welcome to CEO: Cara’s … read the rest. . .