Oct 14, 2012 |
What could be easier than making a drop cookie? How ’bout making a drop cookie from a mix? That’s right, you heard me. Today I took the easy way out and used a pre-mix for our cookies. And you know what? I’d do it again!

Who hasn’t heard of Betty Crocker? Their product is a staple in almost any kitchen. And with the busyness of the upcoming Holiday season, they’re definitely invited to my house any time.
I started the mix by hand, but soon realized my KitchenAid could do it better.

After lining the cookie sheets with parchment paper, … read the rest. . .
Dec 5, 2011 |
I know it’s a little early to make my New Year’s Resolutions list, but let’s face it, we’re all already thinking about it. We all have the mental checklist to go through before we publicly (or privately) admit to those things we want to make better come midnight New Year’s Eve: Is this important? Would the benefits outweigh the work? Would I want to share this with (public, self, God, anyone)? If the answer to all of these is “yes”, you know you can add it to your list.
So, right now I’m thinking of how to really spruce up … read the rest. . .
Apr 16, 2011 |
by Molly Jo Realy @MollyJoRealy
I met Robin H. today. A nice man, a little bit older than myself, beautiful eyes… and a world’s worth of hurt behind them.
Robin is homeless, and very much ashamed of that fact.
I was eating outside at a pedestrian mall at the Mission Inn when I saw him, discreetly looking into the tops of trash cans. His clothes were ill-fit; not that they didn’t belong to him originally, but the “him” they belonged to must have been at one time, long ago, much heartier.
My daughter and her friend were enjoying a pizza … read the rest. . .