INVITATION: Harbingers, Cycle One, Book Four

by Molly Jo Realy @RealMojo68


Book Four.

I’ve been both really looking forward to this, and really dreading it.

Looking forward because my good friend and faux pa (see what I did there?) Alton Gansky wrote this one.

Dreading it because I don’t have the next Cycle yet, and because, well, my good friend Alton Gansky wrote this one. I mean, what if I give a bad review? What if, out of all four books, this is the one I like the least? Can I admit such a thing publicly?

We’ll find out . . .

Book Four, The … read the rest. . .

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INVITATION: Harbingers, Cycle One, Book Three

by Molly Jo Realy @RealMojo68

Book Three is no less exciting than Books One or Two. In fact, in my opinion, it’s better. It’s better because — Oh, wait.

Not sure you want to know the spoilers.

So we’re gonna do this again. Yup, I’m gonna type random notes so you don’t see anything you don’t want to unless you actively click and scroll.

That’s right. You have to decide. Do you want to know the next episode from Andi’s POV? [Sorry, Mom. That’s writer speak for Point of View.]

I’ll tell ya a non-spoiler. Andi was raised in Florida … read the rest. . .

Sweeten my tea and share:

INVITATION: Harbingers, Cycle One, Book Two

by Molly Jo Realy @RealMojo68

This week I read Book Two: The Haunted, by Frank Peretti.

SPOILER ALERT: Do not read any further unless you want to know how the story goes.

Are you sure?

You’re still reading.

I’m giving you enough screen scrolling to avoid it.

Okay, you’re still here.

All right, folks. Strap yourselves in. This one is a wild ride.

Okay, for starters, can I just say I love a book that stays with you even when you’re not reading it. I’m not talking like, “Oh, yeah. It’s on the coffee table.” or “Of course. It’s in … read the rest. . .

Sweeten my tea and share:

INVITATION: Harbingers, Cycle One, Book One

by Molly Jo Realy @RealMojo68

One of the perks of knowing the people I know, is every so often, I get asked to read books. For no other reason than to read them. And, you know, tell others [that would be you] what I think.

So, some time ago I was given a copy of the aforementioned book by podcast cohost, Alton Gansky. Being the ridiculously slow reader that I am, I didn’t pick the book up until a few weeks later. But once I got into it, I really got into it.

I actually pack it in read the rest. . .

Sweeten my tea and share: