Jun 9, 2015 |
For Nathan and Pam and Naomi and Lori and Cindy and all my Marys and Beckies and everyone I’ve been talking to. I hope you know how each of you has helped me. I hope I’ve been able to return that help.
A few days ago, I posted a lengthy status on my personal Facebook page. Since then, people have commented, sent messages, and shared.
It’s no secret where I stand in my faith. I’m not a Bible thumper. I’m not perfect. In fact, I revel in my imperfectness. I’m just glad there’s a God who loves me the way … read the rest. . .
Feb 5, 2015 |
It’s 6:37 am. I’ve been awake for just a few minutes, and need to get ready for the day job. There’s so much I have to tell y’all, so many updates for #DoingTheWriteThing and for life.
We’ve been stretched to breaking, put back together, and redirected. If you follow me on Facebook or Instagram, you might have an idea. It’s quick to post a short status or a wordless photo that seems to capture a moment.
It’s been hard to get the words out. No. That’s not true. I’ve been posting quite a lot on my private Facebook page. … read the rest. . .
Mar 24, 2013 |
I said this to a friend yesterday. I was completely sincere.
He’d had a heart attack nine months ago. Without warning. I woke up one Sunday to read on Facebook, “Had a heart attack last night.” I tried to figure out what he meant. Was he referring to a fright? Did his sports team lose? It wasn’t until he posted a photo of him in the hospital bed that I realized he was serious: he’d had an actual heart attack. As we were chatting this weekend about so many things in life, I thanked him for not dying.
Another friend … read the rest. . .
Jan 23, 2013 |
As I start this, I just know it will end up on Shell’s “Pour Your Heart Out” Page. I’m thankful for her keeping that weekly link up open so I can spill my emotional vomit and not be the only one doing it. Misery loves company, right?
Okay, so it’s not all miserable. But it’s a lot of what I can’t, or won’t, normally write. Today’s post is about life. And death. And a few things in between.
The last week has been a mixture of endurance, sorrow, mourning, and sickness. The details don’t really matter. My Blog friend, Jenn, … read the rest. . .
Sep 26, 2012 |
Dear Amy,
You don’t know me, but from what I’ve heard in the past two weeks, we would be good friends. I’m a childhood friend of your brother-in-law, Dan.
It was just over two weeks ago that I heard from a friend that his brother passed away.
No. That’s not right.
It was just over two weeks ago that I heard your husband was shot and killed in the line of duty.
Since then, I’ve cried. I’ve prayed. And I’ve paid attention. I’ve wondered what it must be like to be you: a mom with four young children, left alone. … read the rest. . .