Feb 20, 2018 |
by Molly Jo Realy @MollyJoRealy
So, this thing happened. Actually, a lot of things happened. And I quit writing. #truestory.
Now, as Al Gansky often says, “You can quit anytime you want. You just can’t stay quit.” Easy for you to say, Pops.
But I wasn’t ready to unquit. I wasn’t ready to put on my Big Girl pants and move forward. I was ready to drown my sorrows in a nice vat of sweet tea.
I was pretty much embroiled in a two-week, flu-and-medication induced, nobody-really-cares-about-NOLA pity party. Uhm, yeah. I’d collected about four rejection letters from agents and … read the rest. . .
Aug 25, 2012 |
Two days ago, I posted about my living in fear. Now, while those fears are true, and real, and constant, I don’t want you to get the impression that that’s all there is to me.
I don’t suffer depression. I’m not in need of medication. But I do bounce around from Happy to Sad to Stressed to Carefree. That’s not me. That’s my environment. That’s 14 months of unemployment and car repairs and medical bills and frustrations. And believe me, this week it’s been hitting us in spades.
So I vented.
If I were to post only Happy Thoughts, … read the rest. . .
Mar 22, 2012 |
Today I helped a friend grade essays for her 9th Grade English class. In between our coffee drinking and chattering to get caught up with each other, we managed to get through about one-third of the pile. I finally took a small stack home with me; knowing I could better serve her if we’re not in the same room.
It was pretty shocking to me to discover how many students are willing to fail just through lack of effort. It was easy to decipher who paid attention and who didn’t. It had nothing to do with English, and everything to … read the rest. . .