Essential Oil Gifts

by Molly Jo Realy @MollyJoRealy

Last month I shared my new love for DoTerra Essential Oils. Since receiving my kit, I’ve been watching videos, taking online oil camp classes, and going to meetings to learn as much as I can. It sounds like a lot, but really it’s just another fun networking opportunity. Less than twenty minutes a day is all it takes to focus on one oil or blend, and learn the many ways it can be used.

In the past several years, I’ve learned to make bath scrubs, lip balm, soothing oil blends, and many other items. … read the rest. . .

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by Molly Jo Realy @MollyJoRealy

Yup. I did it again. I signed up for something awesome. I’m now a Wellness Advocate for DoTERRA.

I know, I know. How many plates can This Girl spin? Well, as it turns out, always one more than I thought I could.

If you’ve been around the blog for any length of time, you know essential oils are, well, essential to me. And you’ll also know that Mohmie and Spartacus are pretty good friends and keep me well supplied. But after supplying me with EO’s here and there for a few years, I figured … read the rest. . .

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