Widgets and Surveys and Likes, Oh My!

by Molly Jo Realy @RealMojo68

Gah! I’m running into the eleventh hour ~ literally ~ and I almost forgot to post. Zoiks!

Well it’s a good thing I was already working on the blog, because now I know what to tell y’all.


First, THANK YOU. Since the new website launch a month ago, y’all have endured a few changes, participated in some fun activities, and overall made me feel like I’m doing a good job here. And, well, Frankly, My Dear . . . that’s everything!



So I thought I’d share a few navigational tips with you … read the rest. . .

Sweeten my tea and share:

Photoblogger William Kendall: Ottawa Welcomes the World

by William Kendall @WilliamKendall1

One of my early memories in childhood was going with my parents to an event held somewhere in the greater Toronto area. It was held in something like a convention center or other large space, where booths were set up to showcase different countries around the world, with a good many people spending time exploring the area. I don’t know why that memory sticks with me, but it’s left a curiosity about the world at large in me- even if I have yet to get out of North America.

This year is the 150th anniversary … read the rest. . .

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