My (im-)Perfect Focus

by Molly Jo Realy @MollyJoRealy

My (im-)Perfect Focus
(Or, How I Learned to See a Better World With Blinders On)


NOLA NOTE: Before we get into today’s post, I want to thank so many of you for your encouragement and support. I received the second round of edits recently and immediately quit writing and reached out to one of my mentors to pull me in from the ledge. Okay, okay. I’m exaggerating. A little. Hey, I’m a fiction writer. What do you expect? Well, it’s not that bad. It’s like exercise and changing your food habits. Your outward appearance read the rest. . .

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Social Media Saturday: Finding Focus

by Molly Jo Realy @MollyJoRealy

It happens. There you are, at the local coffee shop typing out tweets and you realize you clicked “Tweet” when you meant to click “Cancel.” Or you shared that superfluous snapshot on Instagram.

Hey, it happens. If we’re not drowning in our multi-tasking, we’re not living. Right?

You share so many different topics that nobody knows anything about you except your platform’s multiple personality disorder.


It happens.

So, on the in-depth heels of last week’s Social Media Saturday, this week offers tips on how you can funnel down to what’s important to your followers, … read the rest. . .

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