Jul 11, 2012 |
This week’s theme for me seems to be
In the Middle.
or, possibly,
On a Teeter-Totter.
It’s already the middle of the week. In four more days it will be the middle of the month. We are closer to the end of the year than the beginning. Yikes!
While the local craft stores and Hallmark Movie Channel are celebrating Christmas in July, my town is in the middle of a scorching heat wave. We hit 105 in the shade today. Sure, people will tell you, “But it’s a dry heat…” as if that takes away some of the sting. Lemme … read the rest. . .
Jul 4, 2012 |
Happy Independence Day! It’s time to celebrate!
What does Independence really mean? Well, for America, today, it means we stand on our own.
But in general terms, “Independence” means freedom, liberty, self-reliance.
It can also mean ability, qualification, aptitude. I like that! I like that freedom doesn’t necessarily mean being separate from others; it just means being an individual.
For me, today is about creativity, learning to make-do with what I have. Being able to take care of myself and my family without wholly relying on others to do so.
There’s no shame in needing other people. But there’s a … read the rest. . .
Jun 27, 2012 |
Wow, can you believe it’s the last week of June already? I can’t! I thought once Dot graduated that it would go by slower. Truth is, we’ve been enjoying so much family and friends time that the last month has flown by.
In other respects, it’s also been very slow. I keep waiting for any job opportunity to come my way. So far, no joy. I thought having so much time on my hands would lead to some great writing, but the truth is, it had an adverse affect. I’ve felt a little useless lately. A little non-contributive (is that … read the rest. . .
Apr 16, 2012 |
I’m so happy! Thanks to help from Jenn at …so this is love…, I made my own Blog Badge! With a Linky Link!
Inn’t she purty?
“What’s the Word? Wednesdays” is a linky that allows other bloggers to share whatever is on their minds that they want to talk about. Think of it as a virtual coffee date with some great friends. What’s going on in your world? Tell us all about it!
My first link-up/blog hop will start this Wednesday, so as soon as you see the post, go ahead and spill your guts! Link those posts, write … read the rest. . .