Is one of your New Year’s Resolutions to eat better? Really… who’s isn’t.

How about adding some more fruits and citrus to your diet? Those vitamins are calling you! They want to party down with you in the kitchen!

Remember this lovely moment? It makes the whole Kitchen Party thing a bit… difficult.
Yeah. It’s always fun to work in the kitchen with a finger splint taped to your hand… not!

It’s even more fun when you’re trying to squeeze citrus juice good to the last drop. Unfortunately, my recurring early-onset arthritis is currently recurring.

Fortunately, Aroma Housewares sent … read the rest. . .

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Dare to be an Awesome Orange!

I’ve seen a trend on blogs this year. Rather than people writing out a long list of unaccomplishable Resolutions, the notion is to pick three, just three, words that are what you want to make the next year about.

For instance, you might pick the word health. This would eliminate a handful of specific resolutions such as “I will exercise daily” and “I will eat better” and “I will lower my calorie intake”  and “I will eat a salad every lunch”.

Or you might pick achievements. This would encompass all those resolutions about work, success, striving…

Even though … read the rest. . .

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Recipe: Slow Cooker Cider

by Molly Jo Realy @MollyJoRealy

Since October is nearly upon us with its crisp cool weather and fun holiday gatherings about to start, I thought I’d share my own cider recipe. It’s been a hit at family gatherings for years, and stores nicely in the fridge for up to a week … if it lasts that long!

I love the versatility of this great party drink. You can serve it hot or cold, by itself or mixed with a citrus soda or even light champagne. Even cider-haters like this beverage, right, Matt? ;)

1 orange, zested, sliced
1 … read the rest. . .

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