When I Win the Lottery

On the heels of yesterday’s post about Wishes, I’ve decided to plot out what to do when I win the Lottery. After all, a girl’s gotta have a plan, right?

First of all, positive thinking: notice I didn’t say if, I said when.

So. When I win the Lottery, here’s how I intend to spend it:

1. Give 10% to my church. It’s a most amazing church where I’ve made many friends, learned much, and been given much love and support. It’s a wonderful foundation for spreading the Word of God and acknowledging we all have a … read the rest. . .

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Blogging is a Job and Readers are a Raise

My blogging experience over the past two years has taught me some valuable lessons and given me great insight.

It can be (and for the serious blogger/writer, should be) considered a job. Accordingly, I need to approach it as such. That means I keep at it, even when I want to call in sick or take a personal day. I show up, I put in a good amount of time and effort. And when the situation calls for it, I go above and beyond the norm. Maybe this means finding a hot topic to discuss, or just a new writing … read the rest. . .

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