That One Time I Recovered From My Writers Conference (With Scooby Snacks and a Wheelchair)

by Molly Jo Realy @MollyJoRealy

Note: This post is about four times longer than my usual. I hope you’ll read through it. I almost quit writing this week. Almost. Here’s how I didn’t.

First: Why did I almost quit writing? Simple answer: Life. Complicated answer: Life is complicated. I’m in my element at Blue Ridge. Extroverting on coffee on steroids. Learning. Sharing. Laughing. Writing. But this year there were many outside factors drawing my attentions and I had a hard time focusing on being in the moment. I am thrilled ecstatic exhaling and ready to get back to it. Thanks … read the rest. . .

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That One Time I Forgot I Was a Writer

by Molly Jo Realy @MollyJoRealy

So, this thing happened. Actually, a lot of things happened. And I quit writing. #truestory.

Now, as Al Gansky often says, “You can quit anytime you want. You just can’t stay quit.” Easy for you to say, Pops.

But I wasn’t ready to unquit. I wasn’t ready to put on my Big Girl pants and move forward. I was ready to drown my sorrows in a nice vat of sweet tea.

I was pretty much embroiled in a two-week, flu-and-medication induced, nobody-really-cares-about-NOLA pity party. Uhm, yeah. I’d collected about four rejection letters from agents and … read the rest. . .

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Firsts in Fiction Special: Steven James

by Molly Jo Realy @MollyJoRealy

The FiF Team is at it again, folks. You won’t want to miss tomorrow’s live podcast episode as we continue our discussion on genres. This week, we’re talking mystery/police procedural, with very special guest Steven James.

Steven is a national best selling author of over thirty books including fiction and nonfiction. His Bowers Files series has been called “nailbiting,” and “psychological thrillers.”

He’s also a very talented public speaker.

I met Steven at my first Blue Ridge Conference. Anyone who has taken his classes walks away with more than information and guidance. He … read the rest. . .

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