My (im-)Perfect Focus

by Molly Jo Realy @MollyJoRealy

My (im-)Perfect Focus
(Or, How I Learned to See a Better World With Blinders On)


NOLA NOTE: Before we get into today’s post, I want to thank so many of you for your encouragement and support. I received the second round of edits recently and immediately quit writing and reached out to one of my mentors to pull me in from the ledge. Okay, okay. I’m exaggerating. A little. Hey, I’m a fiction writer. What do you expect? Well, it’s not that bad. It’s like exercise and changing your food habits. Your outward appearance read the rest. . .

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FIVE THINGS FRIDAY: Finding the Write Gift

The gift giving season is upon us and there’s always that one person who’s difficult to buy for. Am I right? And usually, it’s the write person. (See what I did there?)

On this week’s upcoming Firsts in Fiction podcast, we’re talking about that very subject. Over the last week, we (and by we, I mean Aaron, Al, and myself, along with our merry media elves) have posed this question:

What’s a great gift to get the author in your life?

While I don’t want to give away the store (err, answers) here, I thought I’d at least share … read the rest. . .

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My Two-Inch Peacock

I have a two-inch peacock and he’s only visible through my story window. I’m not crazy. I’m a writer.

This month, I’m reading Bird by Bird by Anne Lamott. If you’re serious about being a writer, or just like a well-told narrative, this is that book. I’m nearly a quarter through, and loving every page, every paragraph, every sentence.

Now here’s something you may not know about me: I’m a perfectionist when it comes to my writing and media. I want it to always be right. I don’t want just the end result to be perfect, I want it … read the rest. . .

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Writer, Blocked

For several months, I’ve not been writing. At least not to the extent I was last summer.
It wasn’t writer’s block, exactly. I had a lot to say. I just got in my own way of saying it.

The thought had come upon me that what I had to say was far less valuable than what others had to say. That my words were less worthwhile than life.

I stumbled over the thought that perhaps

I am insignificant.

I’ve been going through the motions, attending critique groups, writers club, and special events. I’ve been editing and socializing and marketing and … read the rest. . .

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#DoingTheWriteThing Recap: October 26, 2014

Sometimes I feel I haven’t done enough to advance my writing, but looking back at the two months since I started my GoFundMe campaign, I realize everything’s a matter of perspective.

You can click on the link or photo above to follow my progress with #DoingTheWriteThing, without having to make a donation. I truly appreciate support in all forms!

At the beginning of the year, my only resolution was to do life better.

Of course I haven’t accomplished everything on my list, but I have kept that drive alive to push forward no matter what.

I’ve been diligently … read the rest. . .

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