The Adventures of Will Power and the Search for Christmas

Will Power was excited. It was the time of year when the world was abuzz about winter, Christmas, and Santa Claus. Will Power had heard about Santa Claus and looked forward to meeting him.

He sat down to write out his wish list.
But he soon found himself overwhelmed.
In this season of good cheer and gift giving, it didn’t feel right to ask for so much for himself. But the world said it was okay.
He was at a loss.


Everywhere he turned, there was always something more to want. The world kept telling him so. He needed … read the rest. . .

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Christmas Eve 2011

It’s not Christmas Eve yet. Not for me.

I’m writing this a day early because even if I have time to write on Christmas Eve, I don’t want to have to write on Christmas Eve. This is my gift to my family: to not behind my laptop during our time together today.

And what a time it will be!

My daughter is taking me to the local movie theatre this afternoon so that I can see one of my favorite movies on the big screen: Frank Capra’s “It’s a Wonderful Life”. This is a really big deal to me. This … read the rest. . .

Sweeten my tea and share:

Happy Holidays!

There’s been a resurgence this year in people saying “Merry Christmas” instead of “Happy Holidays”. I appreciate it. I really do.

I appreciate it, of course, because I celebrate Christmas. But also because others acknowledge that it’s okay to say “Merry Christmas”.

In recent years, “Merry Christmas” has been replaced with the generic “Happy Holidays”. And that’s a shame. I’m not opposed to saying “Happy Hanukkah!” or “Joyous Kwanzaa” to those I know celebrate those holidays.

This is the time of year when people believe more. In anything. In Santa Claus. In having a Wonderful Life. In Miracles. In waking … read the rest. . .

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