Started: December 29, 2011
Finished: December 31, 2011
What I loved best: There were several elements that I pondered during, and after, reading this book.
The first was that while the prior three books seemed to have one linear storyline, Prince Caspian had two storylines going at first: The Prince, and the Children. Of course they meet up in the book, and I won’t ruin it for those who have yet to read the series by giving any more details. But in the course of reading, I was consumed by one story and then reminder of the other. It was a refreshing roller-coaster ride.
The second was the character of Trufflehunter the Badger. I loved that he claimed his ancestors’ faith as his own, insisting that “Badgers don’t change.” He often repeated this when others questioned him. He never questioned his beliefs. He just kept believing. His faith gave him strength in times of uncertainty.
The third element was of course the return of Aslan and how the other characters reacted to Him. Again, I won’t give any more details for those who haven’t read the book, with this exception: Aslan’s individual relationships offered differing interactions with each character, and I held my breath at each introduction. How the others reacted to His presence was at times endearing, tearful, and full of joy.
It was a wonderful sampling of how mankind turns to (or away from) the God who created us, who still loves us, and who fights for us even if we don’t want the fight or feel worthy of someone else’s attentions.
I’m more than halfway through the Chronicles of Narnia series and all I can say (without giving you details you don’t yet want) is: read the series for yourself. No matter what your age, you’ll get a great joy out of the easy-to-read stories and continuing characters. Lewis’ writing style is not one to be missed.
Trust me.