Why I’m Not Political

I’m absolutely dreading what the news and chatter will be on Wednesday. I’m already thinking of ways to avoid the internet. I just know no matter what, there will be an abundance of smack-talk leaning one way or another.

As I write this, I’m waiting for the President’s State of the Union Address to begin. I’ve been more interested in political events this past year than ever before in my life. I’ve learned a lot about the workings of the world. And I’ve learned to keep my mouth shut.

I’m not a political person. I like facts, not attacks. I … read the rest. . .

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Okay, not really.

I don’t have a solid post for today. I was busy all day running errands, doing paperwork, and job searching. So I didn’t think about this blog post until it was almost too late.

But it’s not – repeat: not – the end of the world.

But the title did get me thinking of those epic stories and movies.

So here’s a little compilation of my favorite “end of the world (or our little corner)” stories that I really like:

“The Poseidon Adventure”




“Left Behind”

“The Matrix”

“Independence Day”

and my favorite…
“The Day … read the rest. . .

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A Job is Not Just a Paycheck (and Other Observations of Employment)

I still don’t have a day job. It’s been just over six months since my boss decided he couldn’t afford to keep me. And since I don’t publicly vent, that’s all you get on that subject.

I’ve been unemployed before. I’m a legal secretary. A licensed insurance agent. I’ve worked for large corporations and sole practitioners. I’m excellent at sales, customer service, administrative duties and, no surprise, communications.

But I can’t seem to find a job. So I’m praying for income. Which is not the same thing.

A job is something you do to earn a paycheck. Income is money … read the rest. . .

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