Recently, I asked my friend Ann of Doodles and Jots how she was able to get a certain company to sponsor a giveaway on her blog. Her reply was simply, “I asked.”
Okay. You’re right. It wasn’t that simple. But it was close. She told me she found a company that she thought would be more willing to sponsor. She contacted them with her proposal, and after a few months of negotiating emails and phone calls, she had her first giveaway!
Giveaways are great. It’s a way to bring more traffic to your Blog and show off your other skills. Companies pay attention to how thorough you review product; what your presentation style is; and whether your photographs compliment their product.
I’ve previously self-sponsored giveaways for books and gift packs, but recently started to seek Corporate Sponsorship. My first two, Aroma Housewares and Scharffen Berger, were exceptionally helpful. They both cross-promoted the Giveaways on twitter and Facebook. Which led to more Blog traffic.
Which, as any Blogger can tell you, is the ultimate goal of Blogging. I’m no longer lowest on the totem pole when it comes to being noticed. This comes in handy when I seek sponsorship from other companies.
I have a basic format to follow when emailing these companies. First, introductions are important. I tell them who I am, what my Blog is, and why I’m writing them (to seek sponsorship). Then I mention numbers. How many unique daily readers do I have? Approximately how many views per month? These numbers are important. I also let them know that these numbers are growing every day. I reference past reviews and giveaways that I’ve done (including links to the most recent post), and offer to review and promote their product. If there’s a specific product I’m interested in, I say so. Otherwise, I’ll leave that to their discretion. Finally, I tell them which social media sites I’m active on so they know how their Sponsorship will be promoted. I end by thanking them for their consideration, and sign off with my name, email address, and Blog site.
As for companies to contact, I try to stick with ones I’m familiar with. For my first Giveaway, I offered to review a product I already had (the Aroma Housewares’ Rice Cooker). All they had to do was agree to offer one to a random winner. It worked!
Soon after, I contact Scharffen Berger and they immediately responded with a better offer: They sent me eight assorted bars of their Artisan Chocolates and offered to provide the same to TWO winners!
There’s no tried-and-true formula for seeking Sponsors. The bigger Blogs (She’s Becoming DoughMessTic being one of my favorites) pretty much doesn’t have to seek out sponsorship. She’s so well-known, so well-put-together, that companies seek her reviews.
I asked Susan of DoughMessTic how she did it, and she advised to follow through. Respond to every email. Follow up. Be polite. And promote, promote, promote!
“Pinterest/Twitter/FB. Use them. Ask friends to help promote.
Do a good job for the sponsor, more will come.”
It was affirming to know that I’m already Doing It Right. I’m reaching out, I’m keeping in touch, and I’m definitely seeking promotion through various social networks.
I Googled “How to Get Blog Sponsors”. While most sites state the obvious “Ask” as their Number One rule, I came across this little gem as well: Post it on the Blog. Seriously. Who woulda thought to write on the Blog itself
“Hey! This Blog Needs Sponsors!”
How much more basic than that can a Blogger get?
Well, I’ve definitely been asking. And getting some remarkably wonderful results. I’m working on a Holiday Gift Basket Giveaway for early November, and while I’m still hammering out the small details, I’ve several sponsors on board already with a few more in negotiations. On top of the ones I haven’t heard back from yet. But I think it will be great.
I don’t want to name names just yet. I want to get a few more attached to this Shin-Dig before the Great Reveal. But trust me. It’s worth sticking around for.
Oh. And if you know of a company who might appreciate a good review and want to sponsor a giveaway, send them my way, would ya? Because
And Frankly, My Dear… that’s all she wrote!

Hey, thanks for the mention!
This is a great post! And a good reminder to me to follow up on a couple things and pursue more!
I actually never thought about blog sponsors! Hmm!
Ann recently posted..Some Web
Thanks, Ann. I’ll keep sharing what I learn. Will you do the same?
This was a great post, and I am sure a lot of new bloggers (and some seasoned ones!) will get a lot of help from it. And…glad to have fooled you into thinking I am a bigger blogger! (Fake it til ya make it!) – the only thing big about me is my butt!!
Susan recently posted..Easy Oreo Bundt Cake with Chocolate Ganache
Thanks, again, Susan. And yes. Yes, your Blog is one mine aspires to be like! ;)
Molly Jo recently posted..September 11, 2012
Thank you for being so gracious in sharing your tips for sponsorship. This is something I haven’t pursued, but I need to! I have to stop cooking and writing long enough to get smart about this blogging business.
margaret christine @ notes from maggie’s farm recently posted..savory whole grain blue cheese & sesame muffins with rosemary
Thanks for the comment, Maggie! A lot of it is just paying attention to other blogs and then googling questions to find the answers. It takes research time, but oh so worth it!
Great advice. Thanks! I’ve been looking for something like this.
Clarinda @ Enjoying the Course recently posted..Writing Challenge Catch-up
Thanks, Clarinda! I’m by no means an expert, but I hope it helps others.
Thank you for the wonderful advice and congrats on getting results.
Kathy recently posted..I Want to See You!
Thanks, Kathy. It’s really been fun to work at!
I really liked this post. I just started a segment called featured friday’s that would take on sponsors really well. Besides the gifts, do your sponsors pay you anything?
Allan Dubon recently posted..4 reasons to use WordPress
Thank you, Allan. It’s always a surprise when one of my older posts still garners attention. I am not yet paid monetarily from sponsors, but the product they provide for reviews and giveaways has been ample to draw attention to the Blog which, as you know, is the bottom line. I also have Google AdSense and Amazon Affiliates, as well as advertising for my own product. Good luck with your new segment, and thank you for your donation!