Turning a Bad Review into Good Marketing
by Molly Jo Realy @RealMojo68

Frankly, My Dear . . . : Turning a Bad Review into Good Marketing
Have you experienced a bad review? I say experienced because that’s really what it is, isn’t it? You don’t just read it and move on. Not if it’s about your book. Am I right? A while back, I had such an experience, and was able to use it as a Cinderella moment. Grab yourself a glass of tea while I tell you a story.
First, the set up.
Last summer, I set up one of my Kindle books for a two-day free giveaway. Good marketing, I thought. It would get The Unemployment Cookbook, and my name, into a few more households, and hopefully lead to some better sales down the road.
And then, the conflict.
The plan was working, as more four- and five-star reviews were left on the page. That is, until, well, let’s just say someone forgot to put some honey in their tea that morning. Not only was this particular review negative, it was personally directed at me. By someone who didn’t know me. This troll bashed my recipes, my cookbook, and me without one hint of compassion or understanding.
I tried to let it go. But it kept gnawing at me like a tic on a dog. I wasn’t brave enough to comment on the review and tell the troll how wrong he/she was. How he/she had obviously not read the intro or understood why I wrote the Cookbook to begin with. Nor had he/she bothered to look at my notes for each recipe which allow for the cook to fix it to fit their own family, wallet and taste. No, I didn’t say any of that. I just stewed. (See what I did there?)
And then the resolution.
A few days later, I made a small comment on Facebook. I wasn’t looking for affirmations or kudos. I just wanted to share how words, especially unearned harsh ones, can be a speed bump on our happy road.
After a matter of minutes, my Swarm came to my rescue, unbidden and unbeknownst to me. Hours later when I checked my social media stats, I had emails and Tweets and comments and shares. Good review after good review poured in, contradicting the bad one. Comments and rebuffs countered his/her position. The more the reviews came in, the more I thanked the readers on the Facebook post stream, which boosted visibility of the original post, which created more reviews in my defense.
The happy ending.
At the end of the day, that one bad review led to over ten good reviews, and The Unemployment Cookbook was listed in the Amazon Top 100 Paid Reference Books. Not only that, but because I had waited until the giveaway was over to post anything, the new attention garnered a few unexpected sales.
The takeaway.
You can’t stop people from being, well, people. There’s bound to be one bad apple in the barrel now and then. What you can do is be real. Thank your Swarm for the good reviews, and share with them the bad. Then watch them buzz to back you up. It’s a sweet thing to have a community.
CLICK TO TWEET: Frankly, My Dear . . . : Turning a Bad Review into Good Marketing
With some sweet tea and a spoonful of honey,
~ Happy writing.
Molly Jo
And Frankly, My Dear . . . That’s all she wrote!
I love this story, Molly! We can’t prevent ugly comments from trolls, but it is so wonderful to have friends step up to your side. :)
P.S. You’re the best. Just saying. ;)
Aww, thanks JP. You’re pretty spectacular, too. Happy writing (and Planning.) (See what I did there?)
Molly Jo recently posted..Turning a Bad Review into Good Marketing
Love my cookbook and the Author! Can’t be everyone’s cup of tea, but good to know that you can outweigh a bad thing by lots of good things, and not even ask! 5 stars all around for me!
Thank you so much Janice. For this comment, your original review, the friendship, the cooking hints . . . You rock.
Molly Jo recently posted..Turning a Bad Review into Good Marketing
It is best to not respond to bad reviews- it’s actually unprofessional. I’ve seen an author of my acquaintance, a rather odious individual, who went out of her way to attack anyone leaving a bad review of her two forgettable “bios” of two different musicians. She ended up coming across as deranged, which from experience, she pretty much is.
A bad review isn’t that bad- it says to a reader that not everyone who’s reviewing your book is a personal friend, as can sometimes be the case when you have nothing but five star reviews. And anyone who reads the context of that one bad review will quickly decide it’s not to be taken seriously.
William Kendall recently posted..Napoleon And Paris
You are right, William. I won’t personally respond to troll reviews, but I do respect a negative review from honest reviewers.
Molly Jo recently posted..Turning a Bad Review into Good Marketing