Welcome Beckie Lindsey to Frankly, My Dear. I’ve known this strong woman since she messaged me three years ago. “Can I pick your brain on writing? I’ll buy you a Starbucks.” I pretty much offered to let her move into my study if she supplies coffee regularly. Our friendship developed and is still maintained through a mutual bond of writing, God, cats, and yes, coffee. I’m pleased as punch to have been the first editor on her soon-to-be published Beauties for Ashes, and invited her to share her faith with us.

By Beckie Lindsey @LindseyBeckie

I have a confession to make—I have experienced seasons when I don’t hear from God. Yes, I mean complete silence for an extended period. At first, it was disconcerting, especially when other Christians seemed to have a direct hotline to God at all times. What’s wrong with me? I questioned.

Have you noticed Christians are quick to share stories of answered prayers ladened with all the feel-goods and warm fuzzies?  But we’re not nearly as vocal about the desperate times we persisted in prayer and were met with silence. However, I think these stories might be just as important. So, if your prayers seem to be echoing off the walls, don’t lose faith.

Frankly, My Dear . . . So, if your prayers seem to be echoing off the walls, don't lose faith.

Frankly, My Dear . . . So, if your prayers seem to be echoing off the walls, don’t lose faith.

You are among good company. Job was well acquainted with God’s silence. Abraham was met with silence as he planned to sacrifice his son. There’s no mention of Joseph hearing from God while in prison either.

In my own life, God’s silence has tempted me to doubt. I think most of us can relate.

What Can We do During the Periods of Silence?

Examine Your Life

Make sure nothing is blocking you from being able to hear God’s voice. We must begin with asking ourselves these questions:

  • Is there someone I need to forgive?
  • Do I have wrong motives?
  • Have I put anything above my relationship with God?

As God brings things to mind, be quick to ask for forgiveness.

Please understand, God’s silence does not always mean we have unconfessed sin. Job was righteous and yet went through many trials while God remained silent.

Keep Talking

God’s silence doesn’t mean we should turn our backs and stop praying. Don’t give up! The Psalms are a great example of crying out to God.

“My God, my God, why have you forsaken me? Why are you so far from saving me,  so far from my cries of anguish? My God, I cry out by day, but you do not answer,  by night, but I find no rest.”
Psalm 22:1-2

Recognize that Silence Creates Hunger

When God is silent, it can lead us to a richer, deeper experience and hunger for more of Him.

Let’s relate this concept to our diets. Last summer I did a dietary cleanse, eliminating refined sugar, processed foods, bread, grains, and red meat from my diet. The cleanse was very restrictive and specific in what I could and could not eat. After several days, I was allowed to slowly add certain foods like grains back into my diet. I cannot tell you how great that quinoa tasted! If we allow it, spiritual hunger can cause us to be grateful for every opportunity to hear from God.


Waiting means trusting. Can we trust God even during the silence? Job did, Abraham did, Joseph did, Mary did, Paul did—and so can we!

So, if you are in the midst of a season of silence, remember that God has not left you. In fact, if you are a Christian, His Holy Spirit lives within you. He is as close as your breath. Throughout the Bible, we see God’s desire to be known through relationship. We must trust if He is silent, He has a good reason because He is good!

Hold on beloved, the Lord is near to those who draw near to Him!

TWEET THIS: Frankly, My Dear . . .: When God is Silent. @RealMojo68 @LindseyBeckie #franklymydear #faith

And Frankly, My Dear . . . That’s all she wrote!

Beckie Lindsey is an award-winning writer, poet, freelancer, and blogger. She is the editor of Southern California Voice, a division of One Christian Voice, LLC., a national news syndicating agency. She is the author of devotions, a devotional study journal, and the upcoming YA novel, Beauties from Ashes. She and her husband Scott have three adult children, two adorable cats and live in California. Learn more about Beckie at https://beckielindsey16.com/

INVITATION: Harbingers, Cycle One, Book Three
How to be a Southern Belle in Ten Easy Steps
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