by Molly Jo Realy @RealMojo68

Firsts in Fiction cohosts and their photobombing producer

Firsts in Fiction co-hosts Aaron and Al Gansky, and their photobombing producer (that would be me.)

So this was us a year and a half ago [has it really been that long?!] at Blue Ridge. They’re celebrating awards and I’m celebrating the fact I could jump in high heels.

Ahh, good times.

So, next week we’re doing a slightly different podcast, which y’all may have surmised from the title of this post.

Everything you wanted to know about writing but were afraid to ask.

This is where you come in. As with any creative endeavor, we want to do it right. And while the hosts and moi have our ideas and questions to ask each other, we know it’s you, the audience, whom we do this for. So leave your questions in the comments, and we’ll see if we can add them to the mix.

Watch next week’s Firsts in Fiction podcast live at 6:30 pm PST, or catch it later on YouTube or at

And don’t forget, you can Ask the Author any time by leaving comments on our blogs, Facebook, or Twitter feeds.

TWEET THIS: Everything You Wanted to Know About Writing But Were Afraid to Ask @RealMojo68 #amwriting #podcast #socialmedia

And Frankly, My Dear . . . That’s all she wrote!


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Sweeten my tea and share: