by Molly Jo Realy @RealMojo68

Still Waters by Lindsey P. Brackett
So. This author? Lindsey? We kissed frogs together. #truestory.

Frankly, My Dear . . . Kissing Our Frog Princes at Blue Ridge
She has completely hunted me down threatened encouraged me to embrace my inner Southern Belle and pushed me toward being the person I am today. Yeah, I’m sorry. Wait. What?
No, seriously. Since I met her a few years ago, she’s been nagging me. “When are you gonna write for Splickety?” “How can I pray for you?” “Are you working on NOLA this week?” “When do we get to have coffee?” I mean, the girl is just . . . such an encourager. Sigh.
Annnnnd in the throes of being a wife, mother, magazine editor, and local newspaper columnist, she just published her debut novel, Still Waters.
Cora Anne Halloway has a history degree and a plan: avoid her own past—despite being wait-listed for graduate school. Then her beloved grandmother requests—and her dispassionate mother insists—that she spend the summer at Still Waters, the family cottage on Edisto Beach, South Carolina.
Despite its picturesque setting, Still Waters haunts Cora Anne with loss. At Still Waters her grandfather died, her parents’ marriage disintegrated, and as a child, she caused a tragic drowning. But lingering among the oak canopies and gentle tides, this place also tempts her with forgiveness—especially since Nan hired Tennessee Watson to oversee cottage repairs. A local contractor, but dedicated to the island’s preservation from development, Tennessee offers her friendship and more, if she can move beyond her guilt.
When a family reunion reveals Nan’s failing health, Cora Anne discovers how far Tennessee will go to protect her—and Edisto—from more desolation. Will Cora Anne choose between a life driven by guilt, or one washed clean by the tides of grace?
I’ll review Still Waters next week, but tonight, we’re celebrating. How? Why, having a Facebook Launch Event, of course! C’mon, you know you want in on this action.
Here’s all you have to do: Click this link: Still Waters Launch Party. That’s it. Follow the link, click, “going”, and show up. I’ll be interviewing Lindsey about her book, the writing process, and her life, and she’s got a few giveaways for y’all as well.
Oh, and you can follow Lindsey P. Brackett on Twitter, too.
TWEET THIS: Join the fun for the release of @lindsbrac debut novel #StillWaters. @RealMojo68 #FBLaunchEvent #amreading
With a party hat and bookworm heart,
Happy reading!
~Molly Jo
And Frankly, My Dear . . . That’s all she wrote!
Congratulations to Lindsey!
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