by Molly Jo Realy @MollyJoRealy
We’re a busy culture. We are go-go-go with not just a lot on one plate, but many plates. The Bible warns us the sloth will perish in poverty, but we can take the opposite to extreme which is just as ignorant.
Scripture has many verses about the need for rest. It refreshes our spirits, gives us time to connect with God, allows our bodies to recoup and recharge.
Health experts have always praised the benefits of rest.
This doesn’t mean sleep, which we do every day. It means to limit your activity so you can refresh, to give yourself a moment of tranquility, a period of solitude and/or quiet.
It can also be a way of celebrating a job well done.
Resting is a conscious choice to relax and enjoy the world around you. What does that look like to you?
TWEET THIS: What does resting look like to you? @RealMojo68 #resteasy #franklyonfaith
And Frankly, My Dear . . . That’s all she wrote!
Resting to me is about recharging.