by Molly Jo Realy @@MollyJoRealy

Frankly, My Dear . . . :Five Things Friday
Ahh, winter. Wait. What? It’s only November. Okay. Ahh, autumn.
Sometimes here in the desert. But not too much. And not too often.
Still, there’s a lot to be said about living in SoCal when the season starts its thang.
“Such as?” you ask. Hey. Someone asked, or I wouldn’t be writing this post. Okay. You got me. It was me. Still, as I’m screaming to nobody in my car while driving Bear Valley Road (much to the attentions of other drivers, mind you), “What good is November in Southern California?! I mean, seriously?!” Well. Let me tell ya.
- We sometimes get winter weather. Or at least the threat of it.
Frankly, My Dear . . . : November in California
- But by afternoon it can be [Note, I said can be] 75 and sunny. #bestofbothworlds
- Nobody looks at you funny when you blast The Beach Boys Christmas Album from your car. At least they shouldn’t. Little Saint Nick. Classic. Just sayin’.
- It makes you appreciate the falling leaves as few and far between as you find them. The scent of patchouli is a rare favorite at Bedford Manor.
Frankly, My Dear . . . : Fallen Leaves
- The nearby mountains start making their own snow if you’re inclined to ski and snowboard and that sort of thing. [Thinkin’ of you, Denise!] But since I’m not . . .
- BONUS ITEM: It’s never too early to put up your Christmas decor. Even if it’s sunny and there’s no snow. #bestofbothworlds #again
Frankly, My Dear . . . : November in California
What do you like about November where you live?
TWEET THIS: What do like about #November where you live? @MollyJoRealy #California
And Frankly, My Dear . . . : That’s all she wrote!
It appears you have a fondness for nutcrackers.
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