by Molly Jo Realy @MollyJoRealy

Frankly, My Dear . . . : Social Media Saturday
Oops. We did it again. We overshared. Coulda been a status update where delete would have been the better option. Coulda been a tweet from a, uh, unsavory source. Coulda been one or two or ten million things that we prob’ly obviously should not have put out there.
Can I just say, we’ve all been there, done that.
Trust me.
Depending on what you’ve done, you may have to do some damage repair. But for the most part, you can recover.
It’s important to take a deep breath and think this through before taking action. [Except for the delete option. Whatever it is, your immediate response should be to take it down, if at all possible.]
If your post is just embarrassing, sometimes it’s to your benefit to leave it up. Reason: Humanity, man! It shows your peeps you’re not perfect. I know, right?! For. Realz. We all kinda like it when we know we’re not alone in this oh-my-gosh-I-can’t-believe-I-did-that world. Also, seriously, if it’s just embarrassing, a good laugh may be had by all. It’s good to poke fun at yourself now and then. And allow others to do the same.
If your post is mean, delete it. If you’re using foul language, venting, or talking smack ’bout someone else, you don’t want that affecting your brand. Hey, we all have bad days, but c’mon. A little respect goes a long way, okay? And self-respect? Even more.
If your post puts you in a bad light, delete it. If you want to share your beach party drunk photos with your friends, do it in a private group. Don’t put them where it can tarnish your professional reputation.
If your post goes against moral and ethical standards, delete it. ‘Nuff said.
You may need to follow up with a statement or apology or comment to address those you’ve hurt, and those who follow you. Don’t make light of what happened. (Unless it was just embarrassing. Then you can laugh all you want.) Open a dialogue and listen to others as they share why what you did affected them. Now, yes. You may need to ignore the trolls who were just waiting for you to slip. But with sincerity, you can address your true community and take steps to move forward.
Don’t use your social media as an instrument of instigation. Be careful not only of what you post, but the comments you share on others’ posts. Sure, you may get a lot of attention, but you won’t always keep your reputation.
And Frankly, My Dear . . . That’s all she wrote!