Can You Identify a Counterfeit?

by Beckie Lindsey @BeckieLindsey_

One of the hottest topics in our culture today is fake news. Obviously, not all news is fake. At the same time, not everything we hear and read is true. It goes without saying the importance of knowing the difference between what is authentic and what is counterfeit.

The United States Secret Service advises the best way to guard against the threat of accepting counterfeit currency, is to become more familiar with authentic currency.

The same concept can be applied to our walk with God.

The Bible states that God Himself is truth.

Jesus said,
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You Matter. Period.

For Nathan and Pam and Naomi and Lori and Cindy and all my Marys and Beckies and everyone I’ve been talking to. I hope you know how each of you has helped me. I hope I’ve been able to return that help.

A few days ago, I posted a lengthy status on my personal Facebook page. Since then, people have commented, sent messages, and shared.

It’s no secret where I stand in my faith. I’m not a Bible thumper. I’m not perfect. In fact, I revel in my imperfectness. I’m just glad there’s a God who loves me the way … read the rest. . .

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