HEAD TO TOEZ has it all!

Remember my hair cut horror story from a few days ago? It was a lot worse than I reported. As Dot says, “How can you trust your hair to people who don’t even take care of their own?”

Ever since walking out of that discount haircut place I’ve been trying to find a salon-quality location that doesn’t charge salon-quality prices.

A handful of phone calls later, and I realized I was either going to pay $40 for a great haircut, or take my chances elsewhere. That’s when I was referred to HEAD TO TOEZ in Hesperia.

As of this posting, … read the rest. . .

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Rain, Rain… Go Away. Or… Do Something!

My friend Ann at Doodles and Jots posts photos and drawings every day and writes about them. This last week especially, I’ve been enamored with her bird photos. I really recommend her website. She always inspires me with her crafts, ideas, photos, and notes.

So when this opportunity arose in my own yard to photograph the Great Outdoors, I couldn’t help but think of her and wonder how she’d caption the following.

Sunday was a rainy day in the High Desert. This time of year, it’s somewhat expected. But this rain came with high winds. The kind that knock down … read the rest. . .

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Beauty is in the Eye of the Beholder

I absolutely love this phrase. I can’t, however, say or even think it without thinking of the Twilight Zone episode of the same name: a great episode, one of its most famous ones. You know how the Twilight Zone is. So even if you haven’t seen the episode, you pretty much already know how it turns out.

[Spoiler Alert!!!… don’t read this post if you don’t want to know how this 51 year old show turned out…]

So this woman undergoes drastic, I mean, drastic, cosmetic surgery. Her entire face needs to be transformed in order for her to … read the rest. . .

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Dead or Alive

by Molly Jo Realy @MollyJoRealy

Life is like a garden: many different species living together; some harmonious, some hurtful. Pesky weeds try to strangle the fruits and flowers as birds steal seeds only to drop them somewhere unplanned.

I don’t know what made me think of all this, except that it’s been exceptionally hot here in the desert and I’m worried about my potted garden dying on me. As the caretaker of my garden, I do my best to nourish it and enjoy it. To accept its beauty, individually and collectively. To prune when necessary, and to give it room … read the rest. . .

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